Fun facts

Welcome To Me

Who exactly is this weirdo and why should I follow this blog?

Hi! I’m Amber. I’ve lived a semi- interesting life thus far. Several months ago I decided I wanted to start documenting some of the many things I’ve experienced. I don’t consider myself a ‘writer’ per say, but I do think I have some stories to tell. There was that time I had a public meltdown in a Dunkin’ Donuts. All those times I chose to pick up and move to another state where I knew no one. The fact that coming out ruined some of my relationships with family and friends. That one time I think I felt a ghost. Oh, and the night I witnessed someone die in my driveway. People might even want to read some of these stories, if you can imagine that.

Writing a book was a thought that came to mind, but who would publish a book from a nobody? And so a blog was born. My goal is to update this a few times a month, but not so often that you get annoyed or bored. No one likes that. If you’re reading this, I’d love to read your comments, thoughts, similar or not similar experiences.

Still not decided on following me? Well, here are 50 Amber fun facts that might help.

  1. My favorite color is purple.
  2. Mom’s spaghetti is probably my favorite food of all time.
  3. Effie is the love of my life…and is my cat.
  4. P is the human love of my life…and my wife.
  5. I cannot stand people who are inconsiderate of how their actions affect others.
  6. I can type 90+WPM.
  7. I watch a ridiculous, and unhealthy, amount of television. It’s my only, real vice.
  8. Window shopping makes me want to scream. Seriously, what is the point?
  9. I have a basic obsession with Starbucks. Whatever.
  10. I officially came out later in life than most, around 25 years old.
  11. The beach is my happy place.
  12. I hate running but I do it anyway. Two 1/2 marathons, countless 5K’s and one zombie race under my belt.
  13. I’d like to win the lottery, but just a little bit. I don’t need the whole thing!
  14. I’ve been a singer for a long time.
  15. Currently I sing in two different bands, pop punk and stoner rock.
  16. I really like telling ‘your mom’ jokes.
  17. I suffer from melissophobia. It’s real and scary for me.
  18. People like to make fun of me for #17. It’s not funny.
  19. I have asthma. Yay inhalers!
  20. At 30 years old, I decided to actually finish college. Only 1 year left.
  21. Screaming in traffic is one of my favorite hobbies.
  22. I will not go to the supermarket on Sundays. Waaaay to many people.
  23. I do not like putting things away; dishes, laundry etc.
  24. Spiders are the enemy.
  25. I’m a pescetarian, most of the time.
  26. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
  27. I’m a Libra.
  28. I have few real friends, and that’s how I like it. Been burned too many times.
  29. My dream car is a ’67 Shelby Mustang GT500, in powder blue.
  30. I love setting goals for myself for just about everything. If you can’t measure it, it’s not worth doing.
  31. I currently work from home. It’s not as easy, or as glamorous, as it sounds.
  32. I’m allergic to basically ALL of nature. Seriously, every tree, every grass, every plant.
  33. Owning a home is not for me.
  34. Childfree by choice, for always. Also, not for me.
  35. I don’t understand feet that don’t have nail polish on their toes.
  36. I love shoes.
  37. Daisies are my favorite.
  38. I’ve never left North America…yet.
  39. I’ve driven across the country 7 times.
  40. I can’t wait to turn 55 and move into a 55 and over community. Cheap rent, no kids, lots of amenities.
  41. One of my bands did a national tour of the country.
  42. I love Ella Fitzgerald.
  43. I love playing World of Warcraft.
  44. There is a pile of magazines next to my desk, to be read. My wife likes to remind me of this often.
  45. I’m addicted to technology.
  46. eBooks don’t do it for me. I’m a sucker for the real thing.
  47. My best friend is a librarian.
  48. Not sure I really know how to ‘adult’ just yet.
  49. I was born and raised in Southern Oregon.
  50. Wednesday is my favorite day of the week. Oh, and also clean sheet day.

Do we have anything in common? Let me know in the comments!

One thought on “Welcome To Me

  1. Welcome! I also moved a lot in my life. Over 20 times in my twenties. A few of those times were to different states. It has taught me to not be so attached to objects (especially furniture). Also I’ve learned just how much I actually hate moving. I’ve never left the country yet either and I also love WoW (been playing on and off since 2004 open beta). I also love Halloween (my b-day is Nov 3rd though).

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