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My 2016 Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions are a thing for many people. But you either love them or hate them. Some people are so adamant about not making them for a variety of reasons but personally, I love them.


I buy into the fact that the changing of a calendar year brings about a fresh start. Every year, my wife and I sit down and go over the resolutions we made the year before. Did we succeed? Did we fail? What did we learn so that we can do things differently in the new year? We then get a fresh piece of paper and write down our resolutions for the new year.

I try to make my resolutions SMART goals. SMART standing for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. It doesn’t always work and sometimes I have a vague resolution but I do my best.



To make myself even more accountable, I wanted to share this years list with anyone who takes time to read my posts. Sharing your resolutions is proven at helping you succeed because now you are accountable to someone else for your progress. So here we go!

Amber’s 2016 Resolutions

  1. Graduate from Stony Brook University in May (update: I’ve already applied for graduation, Summa Cum Laude status)
  2. Apply to grad school (in the works)
  3. Make a progress leap in my career (it’s more specific but the specifics are just for me.)
  4. Take my vitamins every day (So far this year I’m 2/5)
  5. Eat less sugar and carbs (Doing good so far! This is one that should be written as a SMART goal but is not)
  6. Drink more water (failing at this so far)
  7. Read 5 books
  8. Save $2000
  9. Pay off two of my credit cards (Another one that is more specific on paper, but details are for me)

There you have it. 9 resolutions for 2016 that I hope to make good on by 12/31/16.

What are some of your resolutions?

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